Saturday, 18 August 2012

Organ Trail: Here comes retro for iOS!

To my delight this evening as I opened up the Applications icon on my phone, I was greeted in the Featured section with a brand new game titled Organ Trail. The picture had what looked like a zombie on it, so immediately it caught my interest.

After much reading of the game and it's reviews (tip: on the app store, always read the reviews!) I found myself needing to buy the game immediately! Organ trail is a remake of the classic 70's retro game where you and 5 friends must reach other cities to survive a zombocalypse. It's a 64-bit, pixelated world of creatures, navigation issues and insane executions, all riddles into the price of $2.99!

The Good:
- A choose-your-own-adventure style game. 

Our team tried to ram through a horde. We failed...
- Every action you make has consequences. (I chose to stop off in a city teeming with rodents because I needed food, and now two party members have diseases)
- The pixel art is fantastic

- The music is fantastic
- Your taken back to the 'retro' days, which I love!

The Bad:
-It crashes a lot (Please note that the developers are working on this)
- There is no multiplayer
- There is no female protagonist

One of the game-modes, where you move around and shoot stuff!
The game-play itself has many different styles: a birds eye view side scroller as you shoot down undead, a side-scrolling road-trip where you experience many mishaps. The difference is really good, it shows originality.  
Although it is limited to a 2D world, Organ Trail shows promise of bringing back Retro to iOS. So many elements in this game have been well thought out, and it was my pleasure to have experienced a game still loved even years after it's first release.


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