Tuesday 16 October 2012

Walking Dead S3

Yep, that's all the title needs to say. First episode last night, and it was absolutely amazing! The fans are very happy that the new season is here, and I was wetting my pants in all the high tension moments. What do you think? Is Hershel smart to stay in a prison with his gang?


Friday 12 October 2012

Templar or Shadows?

Wow. Wow. Wow! What a week of gaming, with the release of B2W2 (Which will conveniently be reviewed by AlpAmbler and Galactic) as well as the release of DISHONORED! So that's what I'm bringing to the table today; a brand new, clear review about Bethesda's newest creation and how it is making waves in the gaming community.

Three guys? No problem.
The backstory: The protagonist is Corvo, a personal bodyguard in victorian times Dunwall (imagine a steampunk city mixed with magic). When he arrives back from a trip, mysterious assassins terminate the empress of the city in his presence, and he becomes coined as the main saboteur... thanks to a corrupt government.
As you escape jail to live a new life, new friends (nicknamed the loyalists) help you to clear your name. Apart from that, a mysterious entity named The Outsider gives insanely cool powers (and a steampunk heart?!) to aid you in the nasty plotting of revenge. It begins......

The game itself has openworld maps, each with multiple layers and fluid NPC movement/patrols. The game goes through various 'missions', played out like episodes. But this is where the normal stops.

Super, detailed environments!
Each 'mission' has different ways to get through it; whether that be stealth, elimination or just messing around with everyone's heads. Your gadgets and tricks can be used to extinguish enemies or take away their attention, and the character development is simply amazing! 

ZED: I really believe that this game is redefining the word stealth. Future games need to learn by this example; ArkaneStudios have recreated the meaning of the word assassin. I love the multiple ways to do something, whether that be possession, freezing time or just teleporting over peoples heads.

ZAWMBIE: Oh my gawd. This.....I can't even..... words can't even describe the detail in this game. Buildings are open for exploration; the plot is intense and ostentatious. Get this game! Get it!

Game-play: 4.5/5
Storyline: 3.8/5
Graphics: 3.4/5
Characters: 5/5

That comes to a grand total of.....(let me get my calculato--) 16.7/20! well done ArkaneStudios, congratulations on a momentous game! I'm off to go get some revenge!!!


Friday 5 October 2012

Witchs and bats and Withers- oh my!

For those who have their candy bags wide open, here comes a treat for all gamers in the month of October! Mojang has promised that the new Secret Halloween Update will be arriving, and its bag-of-tricks will have you crawling up the wall. So, here to dissect the updates promises are GandalfTheBlue and Zed, both avid players of mine-craft.

Firstly, what will be included in the creepy care package?
New mobs, new sounds, new environments! Lot's of things for us to play with.


WitchGrass.pngWitches- A new hostile mob that looks like a villager, and lobs many different kinds of potions. They have been planned to spawn in swamp huts around the map.

Bats- The all new flying mob, a planned, non-hostile mob that spawns in caves and outside at nights. If the cavern is large enough, they will hang upside down until disturbed. Creepy!

Wither- The brand new boss planned, which can be summoned. There is no way to explain this, but it's a giant ghost with three skeletal heads. Yowza!

Wither Skeleton- A wither must have minions right? And what's a better minion then an armoured skeleton that doesn't burn and flips between ranged and melee all the time? Great!

Zombie villager- Finally! Zombie villagers are here; infected villagers that spread the disease to the other villagers. You can even find a village ravaged by the disease, already infected....cool.

What do our reviewers think of this?

GandalfTheBlue: Ummmm.......wow. This is going to be harder to play now, with wither's and zombie villagers. I'm looking forward to the *Get's interrupted by ZED*


Also included in the update are bug fixes, more craft able items, decorations, and mobs can be wearing armour. What fun!

In the coming weeks, we will post more on the update. For now, there is twitter and google! Have fun followers!


Thursday 4 October 2012

Uwee hee hee... Game over! Don't feed the octopus, kids!

Hey, kiddos! Galactic here!

So, about a week ago, I decided that I should stop neglecting this blog, and go and post another review.
That was a week ago.
In the time between then and now, I have been glued my computer, playing on my Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES or Super Nintendo for short) emulator.

And then finally, I decided to close my emulator and think of a game to review.
Then the emulator was re-opened, because the game was right there anyway!

So, without further adieu, I present to you my review on Final Fantasy VI (though it's called III on the SNES).

Oh, wait. Before I begin, let me just say that this game is my favourite game of all time that isn't Pokemon, so it might be quite biased. Oh, well.

Final Fantasy VI (FFVI for short) is a turn-based RPG, set in a world where things like magic is just a dream. The game follows a group of people called The Returners, who face up against the almighty empire, who wishes to rule the world through force, and obtain and harness the endless potential of magic, and use that to their advantage. It's clear who the bad guys are- you've got to take them down.

So let's begin with the review, shall we?

Firstly, Gameplay:
Well... I could say a lot about this, but there isn't really much to it. Go walk around to get from destination A to destination B. Be careful, 'cause there are monsters, and probably a boss at the end. Because of this, it's not spectacularly hard. If you can't do something grind battles for a bit until you can.
...Yeah... Not really much to say in this area. It's just like any turn-based RPG, I guess.

Though, I mean, the battles are nice, and there are a few things that make battles easier and more interesting (for example, tools, or dance, or rage, etc.), but in the end, it's still doing a lot of the same things over and over.

Ah, and another thing. The SNES port of FFVI is filled with glitches and bugs. Be wary. Some are fun, and can be exploited to make the game easier (or a lot harder), and some just mess your game up. Before you play, be sure to read up about the bugs or something on gameFAQs to be sure that you avoid the bad ones.

Now, we'll take a look at sound:
Well now, sound is a whole other story. If there's anything about this game that I love to bits (there are several things I love, but hey), it'd be the music. Even keeping in mind that it's a game from 1994, FFVI has an amazing soundtrack. Each song really sets the mood, and it really makes the game a much more enjoyable experience than it would be if it had some kind of generic soundtrack.

I'd pull out some specific examples, but I just can't. There are too many good tracks in this game.
Of course I missed you, Ultros <3

Next, we'll go on to graphics:
Well... the graphics in this game aren't spectacular. Nothing on the SNES is really spectacular graphics-wise, but I do love how this game makes use of what they have. Yes, each character is only a small sprite in and out of battle, but it's big enough to have each character show some emotion.
But, I must say, I do like the enemy sprites. They're a lot more detailed than the character sprites, and I like that, for some reason.

Finally, Plot and Characters:
Yeah, I didn't include characters on my last review 'cause there really wasn't much to say about them, but in this game, you've got... fifteen(?) different characters, each with their own stories and whatnot.

A-anyway, back on track. The plot in this game, as stated above, is pretty standard: a large collective of bad guys doin' bad things, and it's up to the good guys to stop them.
That's the plot in a very, very broad sense.
I haven't even brushed upon the intricacies on the plot, and each character's subplot (of sorts) underneath it all. I probably won't, because then I'd end up spoiling everything for everyone, but still. Take my word for it when I say that paired with everything, it's a good plot, okay?

Unfortunately, that's for the first half (or so) of the game. Around mid-way, there's a large catastrophe, and the entire world turns to hell in a hand basket. From this point on, all the characters are scattered, and it's up to you to reunite them. And I mean it when I say it's up to you. Once you reach a short point after the mid-way mark, you can go straight to the final dungeon with, like, three characters, and that's the end of that. Although it does give a lot of room to do whatever you want, it also becomes more dull, as there isn't a main driving point.

Oh, well. It's still enjoyable.

Well, let's see the ratings, shall we?

Gameplay: 2.5/5
Sound: 5/5
Graphics: 3/5
Plot: 2.5/5
Characters: 5/5

Which leads to an overall score of 3.6/5 (apparently)
I personally think that it deserves a better score than what I've given it, but okay.

Anyway, I guess that's the review for now...

Cosmic Energy for the Win!

Galactic, out!

Indie Lookup: Slender Is Back!!!

Congratulations fans of Slender! Parsec Productions have begun a full game, with storyline's, characters and a brand new Slender AI!! Some recent screenshots have been released, and here at The Fabled Project, we plan to keep you in the know until the release day!

Here is the blurb, found on the official page. Not much has been released, and we feel Parsec Productions may use internet hype to create an ARG style release before the game comes out.

'A few months ago, Mark Hadley created a game unlike anything done before. Slender: The Eight Pages is a short, experimental horror game in which you must travel through a dark woods at night with one simple goal; find all eight pages. As you search, you are stalked by an entity that grows more persistent and relentless as each page is collected- an entity you cannot look at for long, let alone fight. Your only hope is to collect all eight pages before it catches you.

Mark Hadley's next instalment The Arrival is even more terrifying than his original creation.

With more levels, improved visuals and an engaging storyline, the commercial release takes Slender to all ne heights. The game is planned for a launch on PC and is being jointly developed by Parsec Productions and Blue Isle Studios. '

Here are the latest screenshots; which we say look awesome!!!

The graphics are improved. Strangely, it looks a lot like
'Amnesia' graphics.
Over the path, we see.....him.

Needless to say, we definitely believe that this game will create a lot of hype. But has the bar been raised to high for this new generation of indie-horror games?

Zawmbie: I say yes, the original scared on such a basic level. Perhaps Parsec may be getting ahead of themselves or be in denial to believe that this will supersede the original game..

Zed: I say it's to early to tell....

More updates will follow. Look forward to it followers!


Wednesday 19 September 2012

Fun Enough to Wake The Dead!

Yes! Finally I have purchased The Walking Dead for iOS, and I could not be happier!
Words cannot describe the joy i feel inside; this game is everything I have wanted in a zombie smash-em-up game!

For those not in the know, TWD is a choose-your-own adventure game, with fantastic (and slightly loony) consequences. Naturally as soon as I started playing, I chose the dark and slightly insane path, to see what my future would be.

Never have I had so much fun with such an amazing game. The integral mechanics of your decisions bring forth various relationships and endings, leaving you guessing of who is going to die next. The relationships you build make the game what it is; you can see how people in a zombie apocalypse can become either better or more worse then themselves.

The cinematics, lighting and music only add to this experience. (I also love the option of choosing a weapon when faced with danger, for instance you could choose a) to continue kicking the zombie, b) grab a hammer OR c) smash the door on it.)

The downside (You should know me by now, there is always a downside) is that this game plays in episodes. As in, episode 1 all the way to 5. Yes, and you MUST pay for these extra episodes. How much? Only about as much as paying for the game! Yep, I know. Kind of pricey. Also, the game is very sensitive to fingers, so using the look-around button can be difficult and irritating when you are about to become a zombie meal.

"Where's my screwdriver?" "It's buried at the moment...."

In my opinion, this app is rewriting what a good iOS game should feel like. The graphics are sharper, the buttons are well adjusted with the screen, and the producers have left nothing out like the original PC version.

My rating: 9/10 for playability, 8/10 for graphics and 9/10 for being an amzing zombie game! :D

Get this game, it's worth the price and the scares!


Back from Hell

Apologies to all our followers, but the last few weeks have literally been hell. Exams and me getting food poisoning- in between all this we have....uh...kind of forgotten to update.
But no matter! PLease forgive us, and we ill bring back EVEN MORE awesome reviews!
Looking forward to a great spring (Here in down-under) with all the team!

The Fabled Project Team